❤ 使用方法 ❤ How to use ??? ❤

使用方法:清洗干净脸后, 斯掉珍珠膜将面摸轻敷于全脸,约20-30分钟后即可取下面膜,若脸上仍留有精华液,可以指腹轻轻按摩帮助肌肤吸收,无需清洗。




Usage Direction: Apply the mask on your face after cleansing; you may remove the mask around 20-30 minutes later. If there is extra essence leaving on your face, you may massage your face gently so that your skin can absorb the extra essence, no need to clean your face after removing the mask.

Storage: Keep in cooling place.

Expiration Period: 3 years

Attention: Keep away from children; this product is not applicable to damage skin, red spot skin and children; please stop using this product and consult a doctor if your skin feels uncomfortable after using it; to those whose have sensitive skin, please do sensitivity test before using this product.